Medical Research:
Breaking News
I know your doctor told you, you need to draw a blood sample every
morning to check on your insulin levels.
But a medical researcher out of Dayton, Ohio has just proved that might not
be necessary at all!
If he’s right, starting your day with the most downright disturbing ritual....i.e. putting a needle through your bare skin...EVERY SINGLE DAY.....might just be a thing of the past...
It’s 2022 folks.
The times, they are a changin’.
Think about it.
Why do we punish a finger that has done nothing to deserve it?
It’s painful. It’s gross. For some, it’s nauseating.
Plus, seeing your own blood in the morning ruins your appetite for your Frosted Flakes!
You’re not a voodoo doll. Don't let your MD treat you like one.
So what would it mean if the “worst part about being a diabetic” just wasn’t there anymore?
How much freedom would that give you?
How good would that feel?
You’re about to find out. Soak in what you’re about to learn here.
It will change EVERYTHING.
You can do this.
P.S. Clicking that link may just mean you may never have to pin prick again.
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